Camillus Republican Committee

Camillus New York

Founded in 1799

Welcome to the Camillus Republican Committee website.


A Message from The Chairman

Mike Luber Camillus Republican Committee

This site has been designed with the Camillus community, in mind. We hope you find it engaging and informative regarding our Committee, our candidates, and our vision to help make Camillus a strong and vibrant community – and a better place for you and your family to live in.

The Camillus Republican Committee, through strong leadership, strength in numbers, and community involvement, strives to improve the overall quality of life for all Camillus residents. We are advocates for tax fairness and getting the greatest possible return of tax dollars to the Town of Camillus. We seek a high caliber of educational and municipal services at fair and reasonable costs to our community. We can accomplish our goals by recruiting civic-minded citizens for election or appointment to our Town of Camillus Boards and Commissions – supporting Republican candidates for office at our local level who will be most responsive to the needs of Camillus, actively encouraging the enrollment of Camillus residents as Republicans, and encouraging unaffiliated voters to support our Republican candidates. We are committed to helping Camillus residents use the most powerful forum for expressing their concerns – the voting booth! As such, we strive to increase voter registration and turnout at the polls.

We live in a beautiful Town, in a great State, in a great Nation. We need to pay attention and to impact decisions - to do this we need your help. As always, we welcome the opportunity to listen to your concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any suggestions for how we can use this site to better meet your needs. I look forward to hearing from you.


Michael J. Luber, Chairman
Camillus Republican Committee

The purpose and Function of the Camillus Republican Committee is to:

  1. Encourage able and interested Republicans to run for office.
  2. Conduct and participate in party caucuses and conventions.
  3. Organize and direct general and special election campaigns.
  4. Support and elect Republicans into office.
  5. Study and support or oppose county legislation concerning Camillus.
  6. Study and recommend improvements to our local government.
  7. Sponsor and encourage instructive party activities.
  8. Generate, administer, and distribute party funds.
  9. Submit the required periodic reports to the NYS Board of Elections.
Camillus New York